What is colloidal Oatmeal?
Colloidal oatmeal is a natural ingredient that’s proven to be beneficial in both treating and relieving the symptoms of eczema. Oatmeal is an emollient, which helps moisturize the skin by protecting the skin barrier and providing moisture to the skin, says Orit Markowitz, a New York City-based board-certified dermatologist. It is also an anti-inflammatory, which targets and helps treat inflammation and redness.
Don't take our words for it.
Experts agree about the benefits of oatmeal for skin
“Oats have been used as an active skincare for a long time. Due to its properties of absorbing and holding water, it hydrates the skin and is beneficial in eczema, atopic skin disorders, and psoriasis. Oats contain active substances that calm and soothe the skin. Bring down inflammation and redness. This makes it popular for sensitive skin as well as baby skin. Oats have actives that help to cleanse the skin of dirt and oil and also exfoliate the dead cells. Oat-based scrubs are also gentle on the skin and do not disrupt the skin barrier” says Dr. Sneha Ghunawat, Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist, Director, and Co-Founder of Meraki Skin Clinic.
Furthermore, Dr. Nishita Ranka Internationally acclaimed dermatologist, Medical Director & Founder of Dr. Nishita & Clinic for Skin, Hair & Aesthetics claims “Oat (Avena sativa) in colloidal form is a centuries-old skin remedy for an array of skin conditions, including skin rashes, eczema, and psoriasis. Science-backed studies found that colloidal oatmeal has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which help to reduce skin irritation. It helps reduce scaling, dryness, roughness, and the intensity of itching. Moreover, colloidal oatmeal, oat extract, and oat oil help balance the friendly microbes on your skin, keeping it healthy. It is reported that colloidal oat cream significantly improved skin pH, skin barrier function, and skin hydration”.
Products with Oatmeal
Markowitz recommends those with eczema to bathe in oatmeal, but you can also find the ingredient within skin-care products, including body washes, soaps and moisturizers, and use them as needed.
Our favorite is Teddy's Eczema Bar's 02 Naked Bar.